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Join Amanda for a timely discussion about the threat of Christian nationalism and learn about how she drew on her experiences, conversations with pastors and laypeople, research, Scripture and her Baptist convictions to write this new book.
April 2 at 7 p.m. ET
Washington, D.C., & online
Amanda Tyler will speak at a special event at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church in Washington, D.C., to discuss the dangers of Christian nationalism and strategies to counter the ideology that are laid out in her book How to End Christian Nationalism.
Book tour stops include a spotlight on a local organization doing important work, giving people who attend an opportunity to take action in their own community. Read about our book tour in 2024.
Previous events
February 11, 2025: Greenville, S.C.
Amanda Tyler joined the Rev. Dr. Carol McEntyre, senior minister of First Baptist Church of Greenville, for this event at the church, followed by an audience Q&A.
November 24, 2024: Richmond, Va.
Amanda Tyler preached during morning worship and engaged in a conversation in the afternoon about her book at River Road Church, Baptist, in Richmond, Virginia.
November 11: Minneapolis, Minn.
Amanda Tyler joined the Rev. Elizabeth Macaulay, senior pastor of Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, for this event at the church.
November 10: Des Moines, Iowa
Amanda Tyler joined Connie Ryan, the executive director of Interfaith Alliance of Iowa, for an event at Plymouth Congregational Church.
November 3: Oklahoma City, Okla.
Amanda Tyler joined Dr. Sam Perry, professor at the University of Oklahoma, for a conversation at this event. Dr. Perry is among the nation's leading experts on conservative Christianity and American politics.
October 29: Winston-Salem, N.C.
Amanda Tyler joined the Rev. Dr. Bill Leonard for this event, which was in partnership with Knollwood Baptist Church, First Baptist on Fifth, and Ardmore Baptist Church. You can watch a recording of this conversation at this link and listen to a podcast of their conversation at this link.
October 22: Charlotte, N.C.
Amanda Tyler joined Jennifer Roberts, the former mayor of Charlotte, for a conversation held at St. John’s Baptist Church.
October 20: Dallas, Texas
Amanda Tyler joined the Rev. Victoria Powers, senior pastor of Royal Lane Baptist Church, for this event, held at the church.
October 18: Corte Madera, Calif.
Amanda Tyler joined U.S. Rep. Jared Huffman for an event held at Book Passage in Corte Madera. Click here to watch a video of the event.
October 16: Los Angeles
Amanda Tyler joined the Rev. Jennifer Gutierrez from Clergy and Laity United for Economic Justice (CLUE) for an event at the historic First Congregational Church of Los Angeles.